Tougaloo College

Tougaloo, Mississippi

“Tougaloo College is a private, historically black, liberal arts institution, accessible to all persons regardless of race, ethnic origin, religion or creed. The College prepares students to be imaginative, self-directed, lifelong learners and mindful thinkers, committed to leadership and services in a global society by offering a high quality liberal studies program.”


* Please Check with school for the most up to date information

Quick Facts

Admissions Rate: 37%

Graduation Rate: 48%

Average Tuition: $9,740

Application Deadline:  Fall: 3/01 Spring: 12/01

Type of Institution: Private

Minimum/Average SAT Score:

Minimum/Average ACT Score: 12/17.5

Minimum/Average GPA: 2.0/3.0

More Information:

Department of Mass Communication

Department Chair: Eric Stringfellow


Department of Visual and Performing Arts

Department Chair: Jesse Primer


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