www.ozarks.edu University of the Ozarks

Clarksville, Arkansas

“True to their Christian heritage, University of the Ozarks prepares those who seek to live life fully, those who seek the richness of life provided by study of the liberal arts and the quality of life provided by professional preparation. The university provides a uniquely supportive, academically sophisticated and challenging environment on a beautiful campus adjacent to the Ozark Mountains.”


* Please Check with school for the most up to date information

Quick Facts

Admissions Rate: 85%

Graduation Rate: 37%

Average Tuition: $22,650

Application Deadline: Rolling Admission

Type of Institution: Public

Minimum/Average GPA: 2.0/3.0

More Information:

Department of Communication

Professor of Communication: Dr. Greta Marlow


Division of Humanities & Fine Arts

Department Chair: Dr. David Strain


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