McNeese State University

Lake Charles, Louisiana

“McNeese State University is primarily a teaching institution whose mission is successful education of the undergraduate students and services to the employers and communities in its region. McNeese uses a traditional admissions process based on courses completed, GPA, and standardized test scores.

McNeese State University is an evolving comprehensive university with the primary educational mission to provide a wide range of baccalaureate and carefully selected graduate curricula, distinguished by academic excellence. Fundamental to this mission is the faculty commitment to excellence in teaching, research and creative scholarly activity.

At McNeese, students can choose from more than 75 degree programs offered by the Colleges of Business, Education, Engineering and Technology, Liberal Arts, Nursing and Science, the Division of General and Basic Studies, and the Doré School of Graduate Studies. There are students from 56 parishes, 34 states and 49 countries.

McNeese State University is a member of the University of Louisiana System, one of the largest public higher education systems in the United States. The system includes eight universities, which serve more than 80,000 students and employs almost 4,000 full-time faculty.”


* Please Check with school for the most up to date information

Quick Facts

Admissions Rate: 69%

Graduation Rate: 35%

Average Tuition: $5,120/$11,454

Application Deadline: Fall 8/01 Spring 12/03

Type of Institution: Public

Average SAT Score: 920-1110 Critical Reading & Math

Average ACT Score: 21.4

Average GPA:  2.35

More Information

Department of Performing Arts

Dr. Michael Buckles, Department Head


Department of Visual Arts

Lynn Reynolds, Department Head


Department of Mass Communications

Carrie Chrisco, Department Head


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